SMSF Audit Procedure

Audit Procedure

  • Every audit review conducted by the Newcastle Super Audits will be of the highest standards ensuring that the competency standards in ASIC Class Order 12/1687 and the independence requirements of APES 110 are complied with in every aspect of the audit process.
  • Upon signing the audit engagement, Newcastle Super Audits will provide you with access to our online portal, where you can submit the SMSF Audit Job along with associated documents. We will also provide you with a document checklist to assist us with the smooth conduct of the audit.
  • Fund administrators will be contacted when we require further explanation or documentation to express our audit opinion.
  • On completion, the audit findings will be communicated to the fund trustee. Newcastle Super Audits will provide an Independent Auditor's Report along with the Audit Finalisation Letter detailing the issues identified during the review process. Any breaches identified during the review process will be brought to the attention of the fund trustee, including recommendations to rectify the breach.